EHL Premier , Regular Season

Boston Bandits


1 2 3 T
Boston Bandits 1 1 3 5
Vermont Lumberjacks 0 4 2 6

Vermont Lumberjacks


Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
Boston Bandits 7 10 11 28
Vermont Lumberjacks 6 9 8 23

Power Plays

Boston Bandits 2-3 12
Vermont Lumberjacks 3-4 10

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
17:37 Boston Bandits Vladimar Danilov Goal (power play)
Assists: Eli Haller
BOS 1 - VTL 0
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
16:42 Vermont Lumberjacks Noah Roach: Hooking - Minor (0:0)
19:28 Boston Bandits Jason Finn: Hooking - Minor (0:0)

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
0:36 Vermont Lumberjacks Cory Doney Goal (power play)
Assists: Kieren Webster , Michael Karas
BOS 1 - VTL 1
1:10 Vermont Lumberjacks Zachary Watkins Goal (even strength)
Assists: Jesse Greenspun , Matt Amelio
BOS 1 - VTL 2
3:04 Vermont Lumberjacks Cory Doney Goal (power play)
Assists: Kieren Webster , Michael Karas
BOS 1 - VTL 3
8:38 Vermont Lumberjacks Mason Emoff Goal (power play)
Assists: Jacob Ugenti , Michael Karas
BOS 1 - VTL 4
11:50 Boston Bandits Bret Piotti Goal (power play)
Assists: Rodahn Evans
BOS 2 - VTL 4
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
2:52 Boston Bandits Connor Schwarz: Tripping - Minor (0:0)
3:44 Vermont Lumberjacks Dillon Mensing: Interference - Minor (0:0)
7:40 Boston Bandits Jacob Hess: Slashing - Minor (0:0)
10:46 Vermont Lumberjacks Noah Roach: Holding - Minor (0:0)
19:33 Vermont Lumberjacks Jacob Ugenti: Cross-Checking - Double Minor (4:00)
19:33 Boston Bandits Jacob Hess: Roughing - Double Minor (4:00)

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
2:54 Vermont Lumberjacks Alex Rozhansky Goal (even strength)
Assists: Jesse Greenspun , Dillon Mensing
BOS 2 - VTL 5
7:51 Boston Bandits Roman Luppov Goal (even strength)
Assists: Matt Kassab , Ian Deckard
BOS 3 - VTL 5
10:37 Boston Bandits Vladimar Danilov Goal (even strength)
Assists: Matt Kassab
BOS 4 - VTL 5
11:55 Boston Bandits Malcolm Cardwell Goal (even strength)
Assists: Connor Schwarz , Jack Harrison
BOS 5 - VTL 5
19:23 Vermont Lumberjacks Kieren Webster Goal (even strength)
Assists: Michael Karas , Mason Emoff
BOS 5 - VTL 6
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
18:35 Boston Bandits Too Many Men on the Ice - Minor (0:0)

Boston Bandits


# Name G A PIM GWG
2 Eli Haller 0 1 0 0
3 Austin Miller 0 0 0 0
4 Jacob Hess 0 0 6 0
5 Jack Harrison 0 1 0 0
7 Malcolm Cardwell 1 0 0 0
8 Scott Hall 0 0 0 0
11 Michael Adelson 0 0 0 0
17 Vladimar Danilov 2 0 0 0
19 Jack Edgar 0 0 0 0
23 Jason Finn 0 0 2 0
26 Roman Luppov 1 0 0 0
34 Bodi Morris 0 0 0 0
47 Bret Piotti 1 0 0 0
58 Matt Kassab 0 2 0 0
66 Ian Deckard 0 1 0 0
76 Connor Schwarz 0 1 2 0
98 Rodahn Evans 0 1 0 0
Totals: 5 7 12 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
31 Ben Jenkins 60:00 23 17 LOSS
Totals: 60:00 23 17 0


# Name Signature

Vermont Lumberjacks


# Name G A PIM GWG
24 Dillon Mensing 0 1 2 0
38 Matt Amelio 0 1 0 0
40 David Rosales 0 0 0 0
41 Jesse Greenspun 0 2 0 0
44 Bryan Connolly 0 0 0 0
46 Michael Karas 0 4 0 0
47 Alex Rozhansky 1 0 0 0
48 Mason Emoff 1 1 0 0
49 Kyle Katras 0 0 0 0
50 Jacob Ugenti 0 1 4 0
53 Zack Selinger 0 0 0 0
57 Kieren Webster 1 2 0 1
61 Jonny Daggett 0 0 0 0
62 Noah Sanders 0 0 0 0
63 Zachary Watkins 1 0 0 0
64 Noah Roach 0 0 4 0
65 Cory Doney 2 0 0 0
Totals: 6 12 10 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
33 Eric Roy 60:00 28 23 WIN
34 Mitchell Stockley 0:00 0 0 0
Totals: 60:00 28 23 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: BOS - Danilov Goal (power play) (Haller) 17:37. Penalties: Roach, VTL (Hooking, Minor, 2 min) 16:42; Finn, BOS (Hooking, Minor, 2 min) 19:28. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: VTL - Doney Goal (power play) (Webster, Karas) 0:36; VTL - Watkins Goal (even strength) (Greenspun, Amelio) 1:10; VTL - Doney Goal (power play) (Webster, Karas) 3:04; VTL - Emoff Goal (power play) (Ugenti, Karas) 8:38; BOS - Piotti Goal (power play) (Evans) 11:50. Penalties: Schwarz, BOS (Tripping, Minor, 2 min) 2:52; Mensing, VTL (Interference, Minor, 2 min) 3:44; Hess, BOS (Slashing, Minor, 2 min) 7:40; Roach, VTL (Holding, Minor, 2 min) 10:46; Ugenti, VTL (Cross-Checking, Double Minor, 4 min) 19:33; Hess, BOS (Roughing, Double Minor, 4 min) 19:33. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: VTL - Rozhansky Goal (even strength) (Greenspun, Mensing) 2:54; BOS - Luppov Goal (even strength) (Kassab, Deckard) 7:51; BOS - Danilov Goal (even strength) (Kassab) 10:37; BOS - Cardwell Goal (even strength) (Schwarz, Harrison) 11:55; VTL - Webster Goal (even strength) (Karas, Emoff) 19:23. Penalties: , BOS (Too Many Men on the Ice, Minor, 2 min) 18:35. Goalie Changes: None.

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